Danh sách công bố quốc tế năm 2024


Năm 2024, trường Đại học Hòa Bình có 05 bài báo xuất bản trên Tạp chí quốc tế (tính đến hết tháng 7/2024).

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1 Factors Shaping the Future of the Global Economy and Finance Nguyễn Đình Trung, Tô Ngọc Hưng Review of Business and Economics Studies

Vol. 12, No 1, 2024



2 First-principles study of highly sensitive graphene/hexagonal boron nitride heterostructures for application in toxic gas sensing devices. RSC advances Phung, V. B. T., Pham, B. L., Duy, N. V. A., Dang, M. T., Tran, T. N., Tran, Q. H., Luong, T.T. & Dinh, V. A. Royal Social of Chemistry Advances 14, 4904-4916, 2/2024





3 Graphene as a Sensor for Lung Cancer: Insights into Adsorption of VOCs using vdW DFT Phung, Viet Bac T.; Tran, Thi Nhan; Tran, Quang Huy; Luong, Thi Theu; Dinh, Van An ACS Omega Vol 9/Issue 2, 3/2024





4 Excellent NO2 Gas Sensor Based on Ultrathin SnS2 Nanoplates: Experimental and Dft Calculation Chu, Hung Manh and Nguyet, To Thi and Hong, Hoang Si and Thai, Nguyen Xuan and Thang, Pham Van and Chu, Xuan Thi and Nguyen, Duy Van and Theu, Luong Thi and Dinh, Van An and Nguyen, Hugo and Ou, Jian Zhen and Chien, Nguyen Duc and Nguyen, Duc Hoa, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical Volume 373, 8/2024 (online: 4/2024) DOI:




5 Adsorption behavior of formaldehyde gas on two-dimensional semiconductor monolayers MS2 (M= W, Mo) Luong, T. T., Tran, Q. H., Tran, T. N., Phung, V. B. T., & Dinh, V. A Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2744 012006, 2024 DOI:


6 Influence of Socio-cultural Factors on the Application of Green Finance Practices in Vietnamese Enterprises Nguyen Thi Nhung International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies Volume 4, Issue 2, 2024 Xem tại đây
7 Structing food and wine pairing experiences in an emerging economy – Imlications for food and wine pursuits, recreation, and tourism Abel Duarte Alonso, Oanh Thi Kim Vu, Thanh Duc Tran, Luong Ngoc Tran, Trung Thanh Nguyen Tourism Recreation Research 02/2024 DOI:




8 The development of “chefs’ innovative cooktop”: A creative self-efficacy and open innovation perspective Oanh Thi Kim Vu, Abel Duarte Alonso, Alessandro Bressan, Luong Ngoc Tran, Trung Thanh Nguyen International Journal of Hospitality Management volume 118, 4/2024 DOI: 0.1016/j.ijhm.2023.103664 Q1


9 How do Liquidity and Leverage Affect Reporting Delays Le Thanh Huyen International Journal of Applied Economics, Finance and Accounting 18 (1), 200-206 – 2024 Xem tại đây Q3
10 Financial Development and Economic Growth: Credit Distribution in southeast Asian Countries Lan Thi Huong NGUYEN, Anh Le Dieu NGUYEN, Huyen Thanh LE, Duy Van NGUYEN Journal of Distribution Science 22(3), 149-58 – 03/2024 DOI: 10.15722/jds.22.03.202403.49 Q4
11 Double insurance contract in the legal condition of Vietnam Pham Thị Huyen International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development Volume 7 Issue 4, July-Aug 2024