Danh sách công bố quốc tế năm 2020

Năm 2020, trường Đại học Hòa Bình có 06 bài báo xuất bản trên Tạp chí quốc tế.

STT Tên bài báo Tác giả/Đồng tác giả Tạp chí Số/Trang/Năm Link Index
1 The situation of lending activities of joint-stock commercial bank in Nghe An province, Vietnam Nguyen Quan Hau International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education Volume 6 Issue 4, 2020 DUI: 16.0415/IJARIIE-12344  
2 The solutions to  improve financial works for non-public Universities in Vietnam Nguyen Van Hoa International Journal of Management Volume 11, Issue 10, p.339-345, 2020 https://iaeme.com/Home/article_id/IJM_11_10_033  
3 Corporate financial Management and Solutions for stablizing corporate financial security Tong Phuong Dung Review of Finance Issue 4, 2020 https://epaper.tapchitaichinh.vn/2020/2020TCTCTAS04/mobile/index.html  
4 Experimental investigation of the thermoelectric cooling with vacuum wall system Thiangchanta, S., Do, T. A., Tachajapong, W., & Mona, Y. Energy Reports Volume 6, Supplement 9, p.1244-1248, 2020 DOI:




5 Energy reduction of split-type air conditioners using a pre-cooling system for the condenser Thiangchanta, S., Do, T. A., Suttakul, P., & Mona, Y. Energy Reports Volume 7, Supplement 3, p.1-6, 2020 DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2021.05.055 Q1


6 Фейковая жизнь и социальная ответственность журналиста, Вестник Воронежского государственного университета, Серия: Филология. Журналистика ЧАН ТХИ ТХУ ХЫОНГ

(Tran Thi Thu Huong)

Июль- Сентябрь Volmue 3, p.154-155, 2020 https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44018460