Professional ethics education for students of non-public universities in the current digital transformation context


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ngo Quang Son, Dr. Le Thi Phuong – Hoa Binh University

Tóm tắt:

Ethics is expressed in all aspects and aspects of social life. Therefore, professional ethics is also part of human ethics, which is revealed in human labor activities. In other words, professional ethics is a branch of the social ethical value system, a form of ethics that has been practiced in specific professions. Vocational training has now created human resources to serve the cause of industrialization and modernization of the country. The effects of the market economy have been creating changes in moral values in society and among students. Due attention and appropriate solutions to professional ethics education solutions for students require a great deal of cares from higher educational institutions to create a unified impact orientation, limit negative influences and promote the positive aspects, actively help students practice ethical qualities in general and professional ethics in particular so that they can firmly enter the working and professional life after graduation. Professional ethics education for students in non-public universities is very necessary and urgent in order to make students – future generations of the country are pure, morally beautiful and rich in talent.

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Từ khóa: Professional ethics, professional ethics education, students non-public universities, digital transformation context