A preliminary study of the enterprises’ needs for information and communication technology graduates: an online survey


M.A. Pham Duc Long, Dr. Nguyen Van Thanh, Assoc. Prof. Pham Duc Cuong, M.A. Dang Thi Nhung – Hanoi University of Industry

Tóm tắt:

Information and communication technology (ICT) is a crucial sector in educationthat plays a significant role in the development of nations. In line with the “LabourMarket Observatory in Vietnamese Universities” project, a detailed overview of employmentneeds in the ICT sector for undergraduate students in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City hasbeen revealed. As a project participant based in Hanoi, Hanoi University of Industry wasresponsible for collecting data from enterprises through an online survey. This paperfocuses on two main aspects: the demographic information of the participatingenterprises’ representatives and their responses regarding recruitment needs. Atotal of forty-four enterprises, which have established collaborations with Hanoi Universityof Industry, agreed to take part in the survey. Descriptive statistical analyses were conductedto identify trends in the recruitment of ICT engineers. The results indicated a growingdemand for engineers in renowned ICT companies, with developers being the mostsought-after job position. These findings from Hanoi University of Industry underscorethe continued prominence and promising employment opportunities for ICT engineers.

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Từ khóa: Information and communication technology, information technology,enterprise needs