Tác giả: nqdai

Fashion Design Department at HBU – Setting New Trends and Nurturing Talents

The Fashion Design Department at Hoa Binh University is not only a place for nurturing future designers but also a hub of innovation and creativity in the fashion industry. A ...

Business Administration in the Digital Age: Why is this field on the rise?

In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the economy is thriving like never before. It has spurred the emergence and growth of a multitude of companies, both large and ...

Explore the field of Medicine: What to study to unlock a wide range of career opportunities in the future?

“In healthcare, Medicine takes the lead over Pharmacy.” The healthcare sector in general, and the field of Medicine in particular, is one of the prestigious fields of study, filled with ...

Explore and experience while studying all year round as a student majoring in Tourism and Travel Service Management.

As a tourism student, you aspire to have the opportunity to learn and experience many interesting and enriching things. Not only will you study theory, but you will also delve ...

Ngành Logistics và vận tải

The Diversity of the Logistics Industry

Logistics is a crucial field in business and economics, involving the management and transportation of goods, information, and resources from the point of origin to the destination. Logistics emerged and ...

Business Administration Booth – Dynamic Event on July 7, 2024

On July 7, 2024, the Business Administration Department booth brought a day of joy and memorable experiences to high school students and those passionate about the business field. To liven ...

Vietnam Accounting Market and the Human Resources Challenge

The human resources challenge presents many difficulties for businesses in today’s competitive landscape. With fierce competition, recruiting and retaining talent has become more challenging than ever. The increasing demand for ...

Duties and Authority of the Chairman of Hoa Binh University’’s Board of Trustees

THE RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITY OF HBU’S BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Board of Hoa Binh University of Trustees carries out the responsibilities and authorities as stipulated in Section 2 of Article ...