Vietnam Accounting Market and the Human Resources Challenge


The human resources challenge presents many difficulties for businesses in today’s competitive landscape. With fierce competition, recruiting and retaining talent has become more challenging than ever. The increasing demand for training and developing human resources requires companies to invest more in this area. Managing performance and motivating employees is also a complex issue, requiring flexibility and creativity in human resource management strategies.

1. Overview

1.1. The development of the Vietnam accounting market

The accounting market in Vietnam has witnessed significant growth in recent years. With the increasing number of businesses and the expanding economy, the demand for accounting services and financial consultancy has increased significantly.

International accounting standards such as IFRS and ISA, or Vietnamese accounting standards, have become widely applied trends. This creates new opportunities for accounting firms and poses challenges in updating knowledge and skills for employees.

1.2. The significant role of human resources in the accounting industry

Personnel play an extremely important role in the accounting industry. They are not only experts in numbers and finance but also key players in managing the cash flow and financial information of an organization.

Accounting staff need to have extensive professional knowledge, analytical skills, and good logical thinking to ensure the accuracy and transparency of accounting information. A solid understanding of legal regulations and tax laws is also an essential factor in their role.

Accounting personnel play an important role in organized businesses.

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2. Challenges in human resource management for accounting firms

2.1 Difficulties in recruiting and retaining talent

In the field of accounting in Vietnam, recruiting and retaining talent face many difficulties.

Firstly, fierce competition from large and international companies makes attracting talent challenging.

Secondly, the shortage of skilled manpower and soft skills is a significant challenge. Additionally, low salaries compared to other industries make retaining talent more complex.

These factors place high demands on businesses regarding recruitment and human resource development strategies.

There must be a clear and long-term human resource recruitment strategy.

2.2 The need for training and human resource development.

As the economy develops, businesses, companies, and organizations also grow with many job opportunities and attractive incomes. However, this market also leads to increasingly diverse and complex economic activities, requiring the accounting system to meet the demands of management and control and to face a number of issues that need to be addressed, including:

Currently, the professional level of the Vietnamese accounting team is still uneven. Many accountants have not received systematic training, lacking the necessary knowledge and skills. This leads to the quality of accounting work not meeting the needs of businesses and regulatory agencies.

Therefore, the need for training and developing accounting personnel is becoming increasingly essential in the modern business environment. Training not only provides new knowledge but also helps employees master the necessary skills to adapt to the rapid changes in the market. Developing human resources not only creates a team of professional accountants but also promotes creativity and innovation within the organization. This helps enhance work productivity and brings long-term benefits to the business.

2.3 Challenges in performance management and motivating employees

In the accounting industry, managing performance and motivating employees face many significant challenges. One of the major challenges is to keep employees consistently achieving high performance in a high-pressure work environment.

Accounting requires accuracy, precision, and high focus, which can create stress and fatigue for employees. This demands that managers have the skills to create motivation, build a positive work environment, and provide support for employees to effectively complete their tasks.

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3. Strategies and solutions to address the human resources challenge

3.1. Recruitment and talent development strategy

Recruitment and personnel development strategy is an important part of effective human resource management in every organization. Firstly, it is necessary to clearly define the needs and recruitment criteria that align with the goals and requirements of the business.

Subsequently, building a meticulous recruitment process, including resume screening, interviews, and skills assessments, is crucial. Investing in employee training and development programs helps create a professional team capable of meeting job requirements.

Having a clear and long-term human resource recruitment strategy is essential.

3.2. Investing in training and enhancing capabilities for employees

Investing in training and developing employees’ capabilities is an important factor that helps businesses enhance their competitiveness. In this way, employees are equipped with new knowledge, necessary skills, and broaden their perspectives in their work.

This process not only helps them improve work performance but also creates a positive and motivating work environment. At the same time, investing in training also demonstrates the commitment of the business to the development and retention of talent.

3.3. Creating a positive work environment and motivating employees

Creating a positive work environment and motivating employees is a key factor in the success of a business. This includes establishing a comfortable work space, providing support, and motivating employees to develop and contribute their best.

By promoting open communication, respecting employee opinions, and offering welfare programs and personal development opportunities, a positive work environment can foster a team of passionate, creative, and effective personnel.

3.4. Using technology to optimize human resource management

The work environment influences the quality of personnel. Utilizing technology to optimize human resource management has become an undeniable trend in the modern economy. Technology helps automate recruitment processes, evaluate labor performance, and manage work time.

Online human resource management systems provide businesses with the ability to track and analyze personnel-related data. This optimization of human resource management enables strategic decision-making. It helps improve work performance and creates a more efficient work environment.

Using technology to manage human resources.

4. Advantages and benefits of solving the human resources challenge

4.1. Enhancing work productivity and service quality

Enhancing work productivity and service quality is a core goal of every business, especially in the accounting sector. By optimizing work processes and ensuring employees are well-trained, a business can achieve maximum efficiency from its resources. This not only brings satisfaction to customers but also builds a reputable image and provides opportunities for sustainable development in a competitive market.

4.2. Building a team of quality and passionate employees

Creating a high-quality and passionate team of employees is the top priority of every business. This team not only possesses high expertise but also demonstrates enthusiasm and readiness to contribute.

By establishing a positive work environment and inspiring atmosphere, a business can stimulate creativity and commitment from its employees. Passionate individuals often go above and beyond, bringing significant value to the organization and driving sustainable growth.

4.3. Ensuring competitiveness and sustainability for accounting personnel

Ensuring competitiveness and sustainability for accounting personnel is crucial for businesses in the industry to maintain and thrive. By investing in continuous training and capacity development for employees, they can grasp new trends and apply advanced accounting methods.

Motivation and fostering a positive work environment also help enhance employee commitment and creativity, creating an energetic workforce to tackle challenges in an increasingly dynamic business environment.

In recent years, Vietnam’s economy has been growing at a considerable pace, attracting significant foreign investment and creating numerous job opportunities for accounting graduates. According to statistics from the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, the demand for accounting professionals in the period of 2023-2024 is estimated at around 150,000 individuals.

The Vietnamese accounting market is becoming increasingly competitive. Many accounting firms are emerging, offering accounting services at competitive prices. This situation necessitates accountants to continuously enhance their expertise and skills to compete effectively with other counterparts.

Accounting personnel face fierce competition.

5. How to study accounting at Hoa Binh University?

Hoa Binh University consistently innovates its accounting training program to meet the demands of the labor market. The university delivers comprehensive lectures, elevates teaching quality, and promotes self-learning among students from the beginning, enhancing soft skills and solid life skills so that students can meet market demands.


Students engage in internships, accumulate practical experience starting from their first years, aiding in their soft skills development such as communication and teamwork. This serves as a strong foundation when they enter the challenging job market.

A highlight in education, particularly for accounting students and students at Hoa Binh University, is the integration of technology into the accounting curriculum. As technology progressively dominates, the university incorporates all IT knowledge into the accounting program to guide students in orientation, software usage, and knowledge updates.

Overall, economic development will continue to drive the advancement of the accounting field. This profession offers high stability, extensive job opportunities, and attractive incomes for students aspiring to pursue accounting and join the workforce.

Studying accounting at Hoa Binh University comes with numerous advantages

6. Conclusion

6.1. Summary of key points

In the Vietnamese accounting market, the human resources challenge poses several obstacles for businesses in the industry. Recruiting and retaining talent, capacity building, and performance management are critical issues.

Recruitment, training, and fostering positive work environment strategies are proposed to address this challenge. Through these means, businesses can enhance work performance, create a high-quality team of employees, and ensure competitiveness and sustainability in the market.

6.2. The importance of addressing the human resources challenge in the Vietnam accounting market

The importance of addressing the human resources challenge in the Vietnamese accounting market cannot be denied. Quality personnel not only play a decisive role in service quality but also directly impact the reputation and success of accounting firms.

Having a team of competent, passionate, and committed employees not only enhances work performance but also ensures competitiveness and sustainability in today’s business environment.